
Moj Lab Day Hospital

In addition to a wide range of laboratory analyses, specialist examinations, the state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures (magnetic resonance imaging, ultra-low dose scanners, X-ray and ultrasound diagnostics), from now on the Moj Lab Day Hospital is also available.

In the Day Hospital it is, inter alia, possible to undergo the following surgical procedures:

  • laparoscopic and open gallbladder surgery,
  • laparoscopic and open appendicitis surgery,
  • surgical removal of all skin and subcutaneous changes,
  • laser and open haemorrhoid surgeries,
  • laser and open pilonidal sinus surgery.

Appointments are available with eminent general surgery experts from Montenegro and abroad, led by Dr. Milan Mijović, a thoracic surgery specialist, from now on a regular member of the Moj Lab team.
